Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cosmic egg- Nataraja and Chakratthazhwar in unison!

The cosmological form of Brahman is the
central theme of Vedas particularly the Rig Vedas.

The cosmic egg described by texts can be
graphically exhibited in two ways.

One is that of Sudharshana chakra and

another is Nataraja's form!
Artists, sculptors and dancers will tell us

how the form of Nataraja can be inscribed inside a circle

in the form of Sudharshna chakra!!!

The charka is the base.

This chakra must be constructed first

and Nataraja's figure is drawn or sculpted upon it.

In this way only, the accurate proportions

of the image can be obtained.

The popular kOlam we put in our homes,

the 6 edged one with

two congruent triangles placed,

one opposite to the other

is the basic structure inside which

the form of Nataraja is inscribed or drawn!

It will be interesting to note that

this is also the form in which

the image of Chakrathaazhwar is inscribed

The other side of the Chakrathaazhwar is Narasimha.

Yoga Narasimha exactly fits in this Sudharshana charka,

inscribed in the circle.

Thus the basic shape of this universe is like that of a charka.

We know the shape of the galaxies as being circular,

like the disc of the charka , slightly bulging in the centre and tapering in the edges.

The universes must also be circular in shape if we try to construct

a model of the cosmos from Vedic perspectives.

Such a model will have infinite number of universes

revolving in different layers of in the circular orbits.

Such universes stretching vertically one above the other

and stretching laterally one beyond the other.

Only in this kind of formation,

the cosmic egg can be truly infinite and endless.

No one can say where the beginning point of this lies

or where this will end.

But all these will have a central axis,

that is the Lord in whose control,

and for whose pleasure / play

these universes keep on revolving.

In this picture I have shown the circles one above the other.

I request the reader to imagine circles in continuous succession

one above the other

and one beyond another endlessly.

Each circle corresponds to a specific universe that goes about

with a specific set of rules and regulations.

For instance if we say that we are in the circle marked A,

The physical laws applicable throughout the circle

where this universe travels will be the same.

But the same can not said of other circle marked as B.

The set of rules will be different in that cycle.

Because by being larger (in this example) than A,

The length of day- night has to be different

So that adherence to 100 year cycle of Brahma

can be achieved.

Since universes get manifest in only ¼ th of each of circle

(by the principle indicated in Purusha sookhtha and

Gayathri manthra

and also in some tantric siddhanthas)

the rules of ‘ahoratra’ – the day and night to make a cycle,

will have to be different in such a way,

that the Brahma of that circle will complete 100 years in the creation zone.

In this way any number of circles can exist

but all will abide by an axis – which is Brahman,

or Bhagawan or call what you want

and will have the zones marked

that can be easily recognized by Nataraja’s form.

In this picture we see the cross sectional view of the cosmic egg,

better known as Hiranya garbha.

Infinite number of universes are spreading on sides.

‘That” something keeps moving in each of these circles

obeying respective physical and cosmic laws.

Among these, in one circle our universe is moving.

Our current position can be known by the crown of Nataraja.

This marks the first day of Brahma after completion of 50 years of his life.

The entire form of Nataraja fits into the sudharshana charka.

It is Su- dharshna – good or auspicious sight or path.

The Udukkai in the right hand

and Agni in the left hand of Nataraja forms the two arms of the segment

that covers 1/4th of any circle in this formation.

We will see that in the circular formation

nearly half of the distance is without any events!

The semi circle noted by the green line signifies complete amthakaara,

or complete darkness or deluge or non-manifestation.

But particles will keep moving continuously in this formation,

but will be undetectable.

It is like resting time

or sleep time of Brahman in that particular segment.

But activity starts at the point where Nataraja lifts his left leg.

This happens half way in the circle – exactly 180 degrees from point of deluge-

or equivalent of 200 years of the Brahma of that circle.

But things can not just get manifest straight from un-manifest level.

That is indicated by the other two hands of Nataraja.

At about 45 degrees in the ensuing ¼ th of the circle,

the hands of Nataraja depict two mudras,

one Adhomukha (down-ward glance)

and the other in Urdhwa mukha (upward glance)

This shows that the moment of evolution

from unmanifest to manifest starts

at the time Nataraja lifts his leg.

This attracts Shakhi to compete with him!

Shiva and shakthi form a yugma that cap each other –

they form a pair one trying to overpower the other.

The shiva-shakthi combination –

from the puranic narration of copulation in the case of rise of Himalayas

indicates two forces working against each other –

each one trying to suppress the other as a show of power.

This principle when applied at the moment Nataraja raises his leg,

symbolizes the rise from un-mnifest being checked.

This rise will be countered by opposite forces.

So for the next 1/8th duration, there is down-ward glance

depicted by down-ward mudra of Shiva’s left hand.

But Shiva is gaining ground after this duration.

The mudra is Urdhwa mukha staring from just 1/8 of the distance

before the full-fledged creation is to take place.

Inspite of competition from Shakthi,

in checking every move of Nataraja,

Shiva is gaining momentum gradually and lifts his leg to his ear-high!

The sweep in pink colour in the above picture

depicts the sweep or rise from un-manifset to manifest stage.

Shiva’s victory over Shakthi is nothing but

transforming the un manifest universe into manifest universe.

The ear at the level of Damaru in his right hand

is at the point of beginning of creation.

Once that is achieved,

Shakthi loses the competition, for,

it means there is unrestricted march towards manifestation.

She can not and would not stop manifestation in the created worlds.

But her services will be required

whenever Shiva crosses the limits of destruction in the created world.

Her avatars and leelas will have to be made

to keep in check Shiva in the created world,

if he is seen to go beyond a level of non-restoration.

In this model of infinite universes continuously revolving

from manifest to un-manifest

and un-manifest to manifest,

the 1/4th duration is a permanent zone of manifestation

where Vishnu becomes active in sustaining created worlds.

Before and after this he is in ‘ari-thuyil’

on his snake bed in the milky ocean which is nothing but

the vastness of universes.

In between kalpas and manvanthras,

universes pulse into sleep

only to be rejuvenated later.

Visnhu retires to his snake bed on those times too.

But the perpetual wall of deluge is at the place marked by

Nataraja’s left hand holding the agni.

In the picture below, the perpetual wall of fire or deluge

is indicated by the infinitely continuing red line (both vertically and laterally).

The continuing creation by Brahma is indicated in Green

at the point of damaru

in Nataraja’s right hand.

The universes closer to the axis also will have 100 years of Brahma ‘s life

for the manifest zone.

Accordingly , the duration of day and night will be different.

But the physical laws governing one set of circle

can not be applicable to the other.

From the above descriptioins,

we infer that the shape of this egg is fixed.

But the size is infinite.

But at any particular cycle of universe,

what is existent as manifested

is 1/4th of the entire path at that moment of time and space.

I bring in space here, because it seems as the universe swells in size

(because it is brihat),

the corresponding unmanifest area also swells

to maintain this 1:3 proportion.

For universes far beyond our realm

there will be corresponding swell in the duration

of days so that the Brahma of that realm will live for 100 years

in their reckoning.

Like this, similar layers of circular paths of universes in the ratio

of 1:3 exist in infinite numbers.

There seems to exist no outer boundary.

The form Nataraja is therefore the entire area of both unmanifested

and manifested worlds.